Bio Capital Welcomes New CTO!

“I am pleased to announce that David McKee has extended his current role at GECO to become the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) for the Bio Capital Group. In this role David will take on responsibility for SHEQ and become the focus for Bio Capital’s plans to maximise value from sites, products and co-products. This is a key element of the Company’s strategy going forward. David will also be joining the Bio Capital Senior Leadership Team and I know that David will be bringing a lot of experience, expertise and energy to this new role”. Peter Sharpe, CEO


Looking to the Innovative Future with Bio Capital

Bio Capital Announces Historic, First Renewable Gas Injection for NI 

Aurium, Equitix and Helios Establish New Anaerobic Digestion Investment Venture

Aurium Capital Markets LLP, Equitix and Helios Energy Investments have today announced the creation of Bio Capital Ltd.